I provide experienced guidance to overcome your challenges
with these custom tailored services for students, instructors and parents.


Dr. Cantarella has given numerous workshops for students in programs and institutions ranging from Hunter and Bergen County Community College to Futures and Options, A Better Chance, Prep for Prep, SEO, and Eagle Academy to name a few. The focus is typically for students to understand how to use the college experience to achieve their ultimate goal of professional success. However, themes like leadership, study skills and time management are also often requested. Each is customized for the program and institutional goals as well as the needs of the audience. A focus has been on the most at risk students: first generation, low-income, minority and males. Workshops have also been given for those working with the targeted population of most at risk students and can be customized as appropriate as was done for the Mid Career Fellowship Program through the McGraw Center at Princeton University, CACNY (College Access Consortium of NY) and also through Prep for Prep’s professional development series.

Workshops and presentations designed with your students in mind.

Hi Marcia, this is Ericka from Futures and Options and I just wanted to say thank you for speaking at our workshop yesterday. It was a very informative and thought provoking session. It made me realize that I should not be so focused on the majors that I have at the moment but concentrate on my passions. Which in turn will help me figure out my career path. Thank you once again for your time and have a lovely day.

Sincerely, Ericka


Dr. Cantarella has taken on a range of consulting assignments which have ranged from organizing and co-directing the CUNY Hunter College Black Male Initiative to helping the Advertising industry’s One Club for Art and Copy to create an innovative “Creative Boot Camp” to increase the diversity of young people entering the advertising industry. Guidance to leaders, strategic planning and development of student centered programs and materials are all part of her portfolio.

Assistance is there for you to create programs advancing student success.

While at MCNY, Marcia created the framework for positive organizational change, instituting communication and assessment processes that overcame individual fiefdoms and led to the successful execution of strategic plans in a number of mission-critical areas. She creatively integrated the College’s people, strategies and operations in a student-centered way.

Ed Gillen, (former) Director of Institutional Research and Assessment, Metropolitan College of New York (MCNY)


I CAN Finish College

is a complete guide
on applying for college
and graduating with success.

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The advertising industry has struggled to increase the diversity within its ranks for many years. Realizing that many young people of color had no idea of what takes place in the creation of advertising Dr. Cantarella worked with the One Club for Art and Copy to produce a Creative Bootcamp for CUNY students during the winter session where students had a chance to work competitively in the creation of advertising campaigns for actual agencies and their clients in a very compressed time frame. They were given not only exposure to the processes but equally important met people from many agencies and built both skills and networks.


First generation students often struggle to help families understand the nature of their academic work. Those students who have the potential to go the distance in achievement of doctorates and high academic honors especially have a hard time showing how their work has high value. Dr. Cantarella at Hunter College created an event for families of 60 of these students on a weekend where the families were told that their students were being honored for their successes. At a brunch the families saw poster presentations and heard from faculty and others of similar backgrounds what rich lives these up and coming scholars had ahead of them.

I believe that education—indeed lifelong learning—is essential to both personal fulfillment and as a tool for change.

Dr Marcia Cantarella