Below you are provided with many blogs and articles that relate to the chapters in my book.
These extensive resources are here to expand on the services I provide to you.


I CAN Finish College

is a complete guide
on applying for college
and graduating with success.

Click here to buy the book
and read more about it.

Click on the chapter bands below which will reveal links to many additional resources.

Managing when there is a crisis affecting life at school: Book Chapter 9

It is important for students to learn how to manage the crisis in the moment, and then to reflect on what was learned. They also need to learn how not to create the same scenario in the future. Some of our toughest lessons come from making mistakes. Mistakes are survivable! Bailing out is not the solution.



Drug abuse information : Material on drug abuse made especially for teens.


Families find themselves with many issues as their children prepare for life at college, often away from home and the familiar supports there. This can be especially frightening for those families where there are other challenges ranging from students on the Autism Spectrum, having ADHD or other issues as well as both the specter or reality of substance abuse and addiction. There are resources to address ways that families can cope and while Chapter 9 of I CAN Finish College does address some of these concerns we are adding here  more resources that can be very supportive especially for family members.

One is Twice Exceptional Children Advocacy for those whose children are gifted but who also struggle with other issues like Autism or ADHD. If you suspect this is you or your child or family member you can find support here:

The other information relates to resources regarding addiction.  (Note that this is a for-profit organization but it has valuable information. )

The frequency and quality of contact with faculty, staff, and other students is an important independent predictor of student persistence. Students are more likely to persist to graduation in settings that provide academic, social, and personal support (Tinto, 1995).

Expert Vincent Tinto